Born raised, and educated in Chattanooga, TN. Dr. Carnes learned the value of obedience, honesty, and respect from his parents. Being raised in the inner city Dr. Carnes had every opportunity to experience inner city life in the south as a youth.
Having been taught the importance of knowing God through Jesus and being required to attend and be active in church, he was not a stranger to Christianity although he was not raised in a Christian home. At the age of eleven one of his foster aunts took him to a church revival to see and hear a thirteen-year-old preacher, the preacher’s message that night was “It’s Going to Rain” the message of Noah and the ark. For weeks following a young Larry would stand on the front porch of his next-door neighbor’s house, assume the role of the pastor; and preach to his sisters and the other children while the adults listened from their positions on their porches. After the close of one of the front porch services, Amen could be heard coming from the adults, and the statement was made, “he may preach one day”. Without spiritual guidance however and not knowing anything about being called into the ministry it was all a game, just playing church.
After high school, Larry went into the Marines, where he learned the value and importance of the way he was raised as discipline and the ability to follow orders became his number one ally. After the Marines, he started working for the Dupont Company in his hometown of Chattanooga, TN. One of his co-workers truly loved the Lord and invited him to church time and time again.
In 1983 after several years with the Dupont Company, he transferred to the Savannah River Site, a Department of Energy facility operated by the Dupont Company, located in Aiken, South Carolina about thirty miles from Augusta, GA.
Dr. Carnes started attending church. After hearing and reading the Word of God on a regular basis he had an experience that changed his life forever. One day while walking to his office at his place of employment he heard a Voice say there is something missing in your life. The next day in the very same spot the Voice said there is an emptiness in your life! Larry knew what the void in his life was. It was time to give his life to the Lord for real. He accepted Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior.
While preparing for church one Sunday morning he heard the Word being ministered on a local television station in such a way that he was drawn to the voice, as he turned he saw a man of God teaching the Word with such simplicity that the Word came alive. While hearing the massage he said to himself; now that’s what I’ve been talking about, the Word being taught in accordance with the Bible. He found the church and after attending the weekly bible study a few times God lead him to become a member and he was connected to a spiritual father.
In 1990 God in His splendor caused his Elijah, The Late Apostle, Bishop George D. Lee III, to cast his mantel upon him, and he decided to chase after his destiny by serving God through the man of God. Dr. Carnes served the man of God for eleven years until he went to be with the Lord. On the morning of his spiritual father’s death, Dr. Carnes saw him in a vision. During the vision, his mentor asked him if he used an outline when he ministered or did it come from revelation. Dr. Carnes replied; I have an outline but the majority comes through revelation. His mentor smiled turned his head away and vanished.
A few hours later he received a phone call informing him that he needed to be prepared to minister because his spiritual father had gone to be with the Lord. It was March 12, 2000. Dr. Carnes saw his spiritual father when he was taken away and the mantel fell upon him.
Dr. Carnes pastored Living Word Christian Center for six years before founding Covenant Cutters Ministries International. CCMI is a “Ministry for All People, a Place for Every Race”. God told Dr. Carnes that He wanted His Church to be a Healthy Church, a Church that loves in accordance with Matthew 22: 37-39. A Church that’s free of denominational and racial prejudice and a Church that’s Kingdom-minded for Kingdom purpose, and positioned for the Optimum Return.
Dr. Carnes has committed himself to see the Kingdom of God realized in the lives of God’s people as they come to a place of maturity in Christ.
Dr. Carnes has a unique and dynamic call of God on his life to teach the principles of the Kingdom of God with an anointing that refreshes and gives spiritual insights into God’s Word. He is known for emphasizing and ministering the Word of God to the total person: spirit, soul, and body. In his teachings, you’ll find a refreshing blend of the Holy Spirit’s anointing and a practical down-to-earth approach to applying spiritual truths. His insight into scripture has apostolic authority with a prophetic edge designed to sharpen every sword you may possess for use in everyday situations.
Dr. Carnes’ understanding of the value of discipleship and servanthood is a direct result of the anointing placed upon him after he became aware of the anointing for the Ministry of Helps, and asked God to submerge him in the pool of the anointing for the Ministry of Helps. God in His Splendor honored his request.
His anointing to lay a spiritual foundation, teach the importance of understanding your assignment and take your rightful place as God’s extension on the earth has provoked, enlighten, and empowered many.
Dr. Carnes has traveled throughout the USA, Europe, and Central and South America teaching and demonstrating Oneness with God through Jesus Christ.