When Pastors and Ministers outside of Larry Carnes Ministries/Covenant Cutters Ministerial Alliance join with our ministry in terms of Networking or requesting Credentials for Ministry, it becomes incumbent upon us to clarify our understanding of “Ministerial Oversight.”
When LCM/CCMA is asked to give oversight to a pastor or ministry, it means we provide the following ministry services:
LCM/CCMA provides orientation and exposure to the mission and spirit of LCM/CCMA.
LCM/CCMA provides Biblical standards for ethics and morality in ministry.
LCM/CCMA becomes a resource of ministry “how to’s” in the form of conferences, workshops, coaching, and consultation.
LCM/CCMA provides Biblical consultation; coaching and counsel on a personal or
church-wide level as requested and as time permits.
LCM/CCMA will be personally available and accessible for dialogue and interaction
as time permits.
LCM/CCMA recognize and discern levels of gifts and callings and provide
credentials as appropriate. Because all receiving credentials represent LCM/CCMA
there is a degree of accountability that must be agreed to.
However, pastors and heads of ministries must allow the Holy Spirit to be the
Executor of their ministries. Larry Carnes Ministries/Covenant Cutters Ministerial
Alliance in no way assume authority over them personally or over their ministries
except that which is mutually understood to be for Biblical consultation, counsel, and
It must be clearly understood that when Larry Carnes Ministries/Covenant
Cutters Ministerial Alliance gives oversight to a ministry or pastor, it is strictly to
provide availability of spiritual eldership, consultation, and Biblical counsel. We have no
legal or moral responsibility for a pastor or ministry. Each ministry or pastor who
Networks with or seeks Credentials from LCM/CCMA is personally, financially,
morally, and legally responsible before the Lord and to the appropriate civil authorities
for his/her own decisions and conduct.
LCM/CCMA does not obligate ministries to financial support, we do believe that
seed sowing is appropriate; any support is voluntary and appreciated.